Last January 25, 2025, in a heartwarming show of unity and generosity, the K-Network, led by Mr. Ralph John Tasic, Mr. Maron Servida, and Mr. John Verlin Santos, joined forces with the leadership of JSUPT CHRISTOPHER R PENILLA, City Jail Warden, and JSINSP EDGARDO M PELAEZ, Assistant Jail Warden, to bring joy and support to the families of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs).
A meaningful event that brought smiles to the faces of 40 children with gift-giving and toy distributions, as well as 40 male PDLs and guardians who received essential hygiene kits.
Special thanks to the dedicated team, including JO1 Emily C Castro, Chief of Welfare & Development, and JO1 Yvette C Melgar, GAD focal person, for making this event possible under Project Shine.
Together, we’ve proven that no wall is high enough to stop the power of kindness. Here’s to building stronger communities, one act of love at a time.
BJMP Regional Office Calabarzon
City Government of Bacoor
PA Office Cavite Province