Date Issued: 04 September 2024
Validity: Valid within the forecast period, unless superseded by succeeding forecast.
Forecast Summary:
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• TC “YAGI”, now outside the PAR will continue to move generally westward.
• Moreover, model forecasts indicate that more TC-like vortices (TCLVs) will form within the PMD.
• TCLV1 will develop over the northern section of the PAR with a high chance of TC development. At the same time, TCLV2 will emerge over the northeastern portion of TCAD with a high likelihood of TC formation, whereas, TCLV3 is expected to form between the southeastern boundaries of TCAD and TCID with a low to moderate probability of TC genesis.
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• Forecasts suggest that TCLV1 remains present over the northern boundary of PMD with a high likelihood of TC formation.
• Moreover, TCLV3 is forecast to progress northwestward over the eastern portion of the PMD, with a high likelihood of TC formation, and is projected to enter the PAR during the period.
• Meanwhile, TCLV4 is likely to emerge near the western section of Northern Luzon with a low likelihood of TC development
• Therefore, the – over the next two weeks.
Keep monitoring for updates.
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